EagleBear2002 的博客



Amdahl’s Law

Speedup = \frac{\text{1-thread execution time}}{\text{n-thread execution time}} \
= \frac{1}{1 - p + \frac{p}{n}}

其中 p 是并发执行的代码在所有代码中的比例。

Safety & Linvness 安全性和活跃性

liveness 在中文版教材中被翻译为演进条件。

Safety vs. liveness

Safety: nothing “bad” will ever happen

Liveness: something “good” will happen eventually (but we don’t know when)

Safety vs. liveness for sequential programs

Safety: the program will never produce a wrong result (“partial correctness”)

Liveness: the program will produce a result (“termination”)

Safety vs. liveness for state-transition graphs

Safety: those properties whose violation always has a finite witness (“if something bad happens on an infinite run, then it happens already on some finite prefix”)

For any run R, R does not satisfy P iff there exists a prefix of R that does not satisfy P.

For any run R, R satisfies P iff every prefix of R satisfies P.

Liveness: those properties whose violation never has a finite witness (“no matter what happens along a finite run, something good could still happen later”)

For any finite run R, there exists R1 such that R1 is an extension of R, and R1 satisfies P.

Safety: the properties that can be checked on finite executions

Liveness: the properties that cannot be checked on finite executions

(they need to be checked on infinite executions)


对于任何运行 R,R 不满足 P,当且仅当存在不满足 P 的 R 前缀。

对于任何运行 R,R 满足 P,当且仅当 R 的每个前缀都满足 P。


对于任何有限运行 R,存在 R1,使得 R1 是 R 的扩展,并且 R1 满足 P。




属性 描述 类别
Mutual exclusion It cannot happen that both threads are in their critical sections simultaneously.
Bounded overtaking Whenever thread A wants to enter the critical section, then thread B gets to enter at most once before thread A gets to enter.
每当线程 A 想要进入临界区时,线程 B 最多可以在线程 A 进入之前进入一次。
Starvation freedom Whenever thread A wants to enter the critical section, provided thread B never stays in the critical section forever, A gets to enter eventually.
每当线程 A 想要进入临界区时,只要线程 B 不会永远停留在临界区中,A 最终就能进入。
Deadlock freedom When only A wants to enter the critical section, it gets to enter eventually.
When both A and B want to enter the critical section, one of them gets to enter eventually.
当只有 A 想要进入临界区时,它最终可以进入。
当 A 和 B 都想要进入临界区时,其中一个最终可以进入。