'VB示例:确定各月天数的笨拙做法 If (month = 1) Then days = 31 ElseIf (month = 2) Then days = 28 ElseIf (month = 3) Then days = 31 ... ElseIf (month = 11) Then days = 30 ElseIf (month = 12) Then days = 31 EndIf
每一条消息都有若干字段,并且每条消息都有一个消息头,其中有一个 ID
,告诉你该消息属于这 20 多种消息中的哪一种。
读取每一条消息,检查其 ID,然后调用一个用来阅读、解释以
消息阅读子程序包含一个循环,用来读入消息、解释其 ID,以及根据该 ID
调用 20 个子程序中的某一个
如果你有 20 种消息,那么就要有 20 个子程序
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While more messages to read Read a message header Decode the message ID from the message header If the message header is type 1 then Print a type 1 message Else if the message header is type 2 then Print a type 2 message ... Else if the message header is type 19 then Print a type 19 message Else if the message header is type 20 then Print a type 20 message
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While more messages to read Read a message header Decode the message ID from the message header If the message header is type 1 then Instantiate a type 1 message object Else if the message header is type 2 then Instantiate a type 2 message object ... Else if the message header is type 19 then Instantiate a type 19 message object Else if the message header is type 20 then Instantiate a type 20 message object End if End While
消息阅读子程序由一个循环组成,该循环负责读入每一个消息头,对其 ID
解码,在 Message
While more messages to read Read a message header Decode the message ID from the message header Look up the message description in the message-description table Read the message fields and print them based on the message description End While
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While more fields to print Get the field type from the message description case ( field type ) of ( floating point ) read a floating-point value print the field label print the floating-point value of ( integer ) read an integer value print the field label print the integer value of ( character string ) read a character string print the field label print the character string ... End Case End While
' set up data for grading table Dim rangeLimit() AsDouble = { 50.0, 65.0, 75.0, 90.0, 100.0 } Dim grade() AsString = { "F", "D", "C", "B", "A" } maxGradeLevel = grade.Length - 1 ... ' assign a grade to a student based on the student's score gradeLevel = 0 studentGrade = "A" While ( gradeLevel < maxGradeLevel ) If ( studentScore < rangeLimit( gradeLevel ) ) Then studentGrade = grade( gradeLevel ) EndIf gradeLevel = gradeLevel + 1 Wend