Note: this is a simplified and generalized description of a real
The Call Center Customer Care System has been developed by Andersen
Consulting for a large US telecommunication company. The primary
function of the system is to support interactions with the customers
that request new services (ex: new phone lines), changes in the
configuration of the existing services (ex: phone number changes,
long-distance company changes, or relocation), or report problems.
The phone company has over 19Mil customers. Considering how often, on
average, a customer changes his/her service configuration, the system
has to support up to 400 company representatives simultaneously at near
7X24 availability level. However, these representatives are not the only
means by which a customer can request a change or report problems. For
example, there exists a phone service (Quick Service) by which customers
can communicate with the system. This is discussed in more detail
呼叫中心客户服务系统是由 Andersen Consulting
这家电话公司拥有超过 1900
400 名公司代表,且可用性水平接近